All people have experienced, at some point or another in their childhood, that their parents or guardians have not met their needs. When this mis-attunement is ongoing or particularly significant, we might talk of developmental trauma. This might be caused by addiction, mental or physical illness, abandonment or other significant reasons.

It might also be caused by the parents being caught up in their own lives, their own traumas or because they do not have the means or resources to meet the needs of this particular child at this particular time. This is remembered by the body and the nervous system and can create patterns that may follow a person into adulthood.

In order to work with both the explicit memories and the implicit memories (the ones remembered by the physical system), I use NARM (NeuroAffektiv Relations Model; Se more at;  and

This approach works both top-down through the exploration of the person’s understanding of themselves and the World around them; and bottom-up through the exploration of the physical reactions the person experiences.

It is a gentle and respectful approach, where the aim is to achieve a better understanding of the patterns of obstacles the person puts up for him-or-herself and to balance this understanding with a gentle acceptance of the self. Throughout the work, the person is invited to explore the reactions the body brings, both in terms of the reactions that propels the person towards less useful behavior, but also where the body is in balance and is resourceful.